
Know how, can do.

Young african school girls

Our vision

A world where digital entrepreneurship is distributed globally and fairly.

Our mission

Accelerate the learning of digital technologies for African youth.

Our goals

Our programs

Our pilote project, in partnership with MARI BRA DEV School in Bentourayah, Guinea, support the advancement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable development goal number 4: quality education.

By investing in professional training in software development, a very high growth sector in Africa.

Sustainable development goal number 5: gender equality.

By ensuring gender equality for both our learners and when recruiting staff.

Sustainable development goal number 8: decent work and economic growth.

By fostering the creation of skilled jobs and new businesses in countries with limited opportunities for young professionals in the digital economy.

Sustainable development goal number 10: reduced inequalities.

By enabling our youths to develop skills in high demand in Africa and abroad.

Sustainable development goal number 13: climate action.

By advocating for the creation of responsible businesses and by raising awareness of the importance of sustainable development with our learners.

We regularly publish articles to inform our members and partners of the progress and impact of the FATA project. See all articles