Guinea Project
School MARI BRA DEV Project

The FATA pilot project takes place in Guinea-Conakry than MARI BRA DEV school, which reserves co-working spaces for our future developers, as well as our digital entrepreneurs.

The school built by Mr. Mohamed Soumah, honorary member and benefactor of the FATA association, is in the commune of Bentourageya, prefecture of Coyah.

Located 40 km from the center of Conakry and 70 km from Kindia, it will be easily accessible for young people living in the provinces in medium-sized towns such as Coyah, Fria, Boffa, Forécariah.

The program is open to all young people in Guinea between the ages of 18 and 35, and absolute parity between men and women is ensured. he professional integration of young people is favored by a training resolutely oriented on the needs of companies and on issues specific to West Africa. Networking with companies in Guinea but also in Senegal, Mali and Mauritania, and internationally is ensured by the members of the FATA association who reside in Africa, Europe and North America.
We regularly publish articles to inform our members and partners of the progress and impact of the FATA project. See all articles